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​~Yamatogokoro to the world~

Japan to the world with love and smiles!

Sice  ancient times, people have held connections between this real world and the other invisible world in high regard in Japan so that they have seen the light of life in all the creations of this universe.


The Japanese expression "kanko," meaning sightseeing, consists of two Chinese charaters:
'kan(観)' and 'ko(光).' 'Kan' represents "see," while,'ko' symbolizes "light." Through sightseeing,
people can see the light of the country they visit.

Makarita Japan will offer a soul-enriching service in which visitors can feel the beautiful light of Kokoro, the core spiritual essence of Japan, to the maximum.


"Maka" of  Makarita Japan is equal to "摩訶(Maka)”or Great, which is found in the world-famous Heart Sutra in Buddhism (仏説摩訶般若心経), and “Rita” of Makarita means “Altruistism” based on great altruistic mind.


Makarita Japan will fulfill our mission of spreading the great altruistic spirit far and wide so as to contribute to creating  oneness world filled with great harmony .

When we trace back to the Jomon period ( around 11,ooo B.C to 400 B.C.), we find people lived 
at the age of the principle of peaceful supremacy, during which period there exsisted no egoism
or no wars at all.

People at that age had the ability to connect with the universe completely, held the value of life in the highest esteem, and get tied together with the power of love.


You can say the world of Imagine, which was sung by John Lenon, actually  existed on this earth.

This Reiwa(令和)era is said to be the era of ”Going back to the starting point.”


We human beings expanded our ego and  materialism, being overwhelmed and emotionally drained with excessive materialism and frequent wars.

I strongly believe the day will come when all the people can come together and the world will be filled with love and harmony.

Therefore, I strongly believe that Yamatogokoro, the Japanese spirit of harmony, will help save the world!


It’s my pure bliss to be able to send   love and happiness to all the people I met through my activities of spreading Yamatogokoro.


I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one 


This is the last lylics of the song  "Imagine," sung by John Lenon.


I also believe someday we put our heads together as earthlings beyound borders

and the world will live as one.

​President, Makarita Japan    

Maiko OKu

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